What is core drilling used for?

Core drilling is used for various purposes in construction, such as: making space for tumbling, drainage and electrical wiring, ventilation and heating systems, strength test holes, manholes, and more. Please check Core Drilling Service Info

What is core drilling process?

It is the process of obtaining a soil sample from drilling down into the earth’s surface, and using that to determine the ground’s properties. Please check, Core Drilling Service Info

What is the difference between drilling and coring?

While the action is similar, drilling uses a smaller, solid bit to puncture holes while coring is designed to extract material. Because of this, the coring bit is much larger and hollow inside, creating a substantially wider hole. Please check Core Drilling Service Info

Is core drilling loud?

It is very loud, and creates a lot of dust, such as silica dust, which can be harmful and physically exhausting for the workers. The vibrations of the machine also stress laborers’ hands, and the level of noise created by the drill exceeds the recommended limits for human safety. Learn Core Drilling Service Information

Can you core drill without water?

There are special drill types that are called dry core bits. These can be used without any water needed to cool them. Wet bits, on the other hand, do require water as a cooling mechanism. Learn Core Drilling Service Information

How deep can you core drill concrete?

The core drilling machine can be fitted with drill bits up to 60 inches in length, and there is no limit to how deep the drill can go. In concrete, the core drill can reach any depth necessary. Learn Core Drilling Service Information

What is core rotary drilling?

It is a special, conscientious type of drilling that regulates the rotation speed to suit the type of material or sediment being penetrated. The torque and axis of the drill is carefully controlled for the best quality of core. Learn Concrete Sawing Service Information

How long does diamond core drilling take?

It is one of the slower techniques, compared to methods such as Air Core and Reverse Circulation. It varies with the terrain, but a standard whole can be accomplished in a few days. Learn Concrete Sawing Service Information

What are the types of drill bits used in mining core drilling?

Rotary drill bits and DTH hammer bits are some examples of drill bits used for mining. They can range in size from narrower than 150 mm to over 300mm thick. These types of bits are typically used to hollow out slots for explosives in mining. Learn Concrete Sawing Service Information